
Besides the ancestor charts there are three books on this site:

  • The Ancestors of Samuel LeVan Hershberger Including Allied Families of Keller, Shirk, LeVan, Schneider, Klein, Mertz, Derr, Westen, Kohler and Haffa
  • Our Scottish Heritage The McCrae Story, Including Allied Families of Beattie, Hogg, Galloway, Blain, McGrange
  • Our Scottish Heritage The McIntosh and McKenzie Story Including Allied Families of Olgivie, Lamond, McHardy, McDonald, Stewart, Grant, Durward, McGregor

I have digital images of the books but they would not be searchable by google. So as of now I have the books loaded in PDF images which are searchable and can be downloaded.

The books will not be without mistakes, some which have been corrected. I will try and put that same information in a correction file.

Because research is always on going, there is always new information becoming available and we will add updates to these books as it becomes available.
I am opened to any discussion about these families and welcome any additions or corrections. Hopefully together we can correct some of the misinformation that is out there.